Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A glimpse of Shiva

For a believer he is God, for a Yogi he is Aadiyogi and Mahayogi, for the west he is a mythological character, for a novice he is a devil and a destroyer, in Chakras he is Sahsrara, in distinction he is Purusha. In description, Devas and Danavs all worship him. He doesn’t discriminate, there is no good and evil for him, no right or wrong. He doesn’t subscribe to morality. But who is he or what is Shiva ?

The whole creation that we see around and claim as "I and My" or label "that and him" has created a deep-rooted illusion of false identification of ourselves. We believe ourselves to be what we are not. Our idea of ourselves is centred around creating self by gathering this, that, blah, blah, blah and labelling that pile of dump as I. The path of Shiva is just the opposite, disrobing the real "I" of all the layers of what you are not and have mis-identified yourselves to be.

Shiva is also called Mahakaal, means who is beyond time. What in you is beyond time ? Is it the body or mind ? Well none. This body grows and then decays over time. Mind ? Mind is the seat of Time infact in experience. Shut your mind and time is irrelevant. It won't matter. Then what is beyond the realm of Body, Mind and Time ? That was there, that is there and that will always remain when everything disappears.

The basic nature of creation is duality. In singularity creation cannot happen. Light-dark, hot-cold, sentient-insentient, physical-nonphysical. This creates a strong sense of discrimination of I and you, Me and not me in the mind. And it doesnt just stops here. Good-bad, Like-dislike, pleasant-unpleasant, holy-sin etc it spreads into every sphere of our lives. Shiva doesn't discriminate. Its just like you call ice as ice and not water, or a pot as pot and not clay that it is made of or a drop as a drop and not water. Both or same or different is just a perception in the mind. In essence the latter is the core constituent while the former is just an impression or a variant of it, in each case respectively.

Happy Mahashivratri ! 🙏🏻